Increasing pages with external RSS Feeds

External RSS
One of the advantages which have webmasters is the great shared content in internet, this content is distributed through XML technology, which can be RSS and Atom.

Google is one of the biggest RSS generators, almost all its blogs that belong in (, the same which are the best known, distribute their content by RSS.

RSS feeds usually contain a list of titles, summaries and links to each article and point to the original source that generates.

All webmasters know that these RSS are free, no one can deny otherwise, e.g. bloggers on Blogger to create their blog signed digitally by clicking the acceptance button, confirming that if they want to share your content. (otherwise can deactivate this service within your control panel)

With this vast amount of content you can create pages that display a list or directory with all sorts of content, clear the ideal is referring to the topic of your website.

Disseminate RSS from other sites has advantages and disadvantages:

- Increases the number of your web pages.
- It provides more content to your website.
- If your provider allows it, will be the full articles.
- It allows index summaries/titles if it is generated with php.
- It keeps the reader on your page, until you decide to click.

- Shows the publicity of the owners of the content.
- Not indexed the content if shown with JavaScrips.
- Take the links to external sites.
