Knowing JavaScript

JavaScript is a small programming language that is used within web pages to achieve some effects. There are many applications that can add you more functionality to your web pages.

For example are JavaScript:

- Google Adsense ads.
- Addthis code.
- Facebook connection 

Although the JavaScript language may be a bit tedious, its basic configuration is nothing out of this world and they are easy to implement within the coding of pages.

If you know a little HTML, javascript codes are placed inside the < head > tags.

< head >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "external_file.js" > < scripts >
< /head >
A manual with basic theory you can download here.

The javascript function normally accompanied by other labels, we can see an example where we do not use an external file:

------- example for open new page with link -------
< html >
< head >
< script language = "JavaScript" >
function open_window (page) {}
var options = "toolbar = did not location = did not, directories = did not, status = no, menubar = did not, scrollbars = did not, resizable = yes, width = 508, height = 365, top = 85, left = 140";,"",options);
< scripts >
< /head >
< body >
< a href = "javascript:open_window('popup.html')" > < font size = "1" face = "arial" > Click here to open the < /font > < /a >
< /body >
< /html >
---------------- end --------------
