Y Combinator Top Companies — July 2021

YC companies raise money year round — leading to the YC Top Companies list becoming outdated almost as soon as it’s published. To combat this, moving forward the list will be refreshed every six months, in February and July. With that said, explore our newest list, which now includes more than 160 companies valued at $150M+. Together, the companies on July’s list are valued at more than $400B+ and have created more than 70,000 full-time jobs.

We put this list together to help potential employees, partners, and late stage investors get to know a wider set of YC companies. One thing to note is that this is not an exhaustive list of the top YC companies; companies could opt out of being listed for any reason. To see a full list of YC companies, go here.

Here are interesting stats about this list:

  • We now have more than 160 companies valued at $150M+ and more than 40 companies at $1B+.
  • 59% of the companies are headquartered in the Bay Area. 17% of the companies are headquartered in the U.S. but outside of the Bay Area. 14% of the companies are headquartered outside of the U.S. 10% of the companies are remote.
  • 27 of the companies received growth-stage capital and company building support through YC Continuity.

Here’s a sector breakdown of the companies on the list:

B2B Software and Services


Financial Technology and Services








Real Estate and Construction






We are honored to have worked with the founders behind these companies and be part of their stories — from idea stage to a YC top company.

Via Y Combinator.
